Through a Boys Staters Eyes…

BY Lawrance Monk Delegate for Post 394 District 12

Day 1: Sunday June 16th.

The night before, I collected my bags and headed for the American Legion Post that I need to get to so I can be picked up. Right before I got picked up I said goodbye to my parents one last time before I made my way to Tallahassee. After my post got picked up, we went to one more post so they could get picked up too, and we were on our way to the capital.

Sunday morning, we arrived at FSU. We were early, so we had to wait a little bit before going on our way to see our dorm rooms. Around 7am, we were allowed in so we could take our belongings with us to find our rooms. I was assigned to Space County, so I was on the top floor. Upon getting to the first floor, I was welcomed by both of my counselors and was shown my room and was given the items I would need to get through Boys State. Like everyone else, I was given a roommate, but my roommate has not arrived yet, so I tidied up the place before he came in. After my roommate settled in and we both rested, it was time for our first city council, where we had our “City Elections”. I had not run for any since none of them interested me. Right after we settled all the “City Elections” besides the Mayor spot, we headed to the Tucker Center (the basketball court where the Seminoles play) where we would have our meals, lessons, elections and the majority of our projects for the entirety of the program. We were introduced to some important people within our program and had our first lunch at Boys State.

Sunday afternoon, we were given 4 special classes we could choose from, and I chose 2: Public Speaking and How to Create a Bill to be Passed to Law. Those were two one-hour special courses and I learned a lot from them, applying it as the week goes on. After that, we went over to be told about how the program works and what our main schedule is for the week. Then, we started our first City Project.

Everyone from each city will separate and work on a project, like how a city council will usually work. I worked with my city until time was up. Then, we headed to our dorms.

Later that evening, we had a brief overview of what we did today as a city and were told about some special extracurricular activities we can do before the day actually starts. We were told about a talent show, but unfortunately, I couldn’t go because I sliced my thumb right before I left for Boys State, meaning I can’t do my talent (Rubik’s Cube). We were also told about the morning run that will take place at 5 in the morning. Everyone was sent to their dorm rooms around 10:55 pm before Taps/ Lights Out, meaning a Bugle player would play Taps, meaning it’s time to go to our rooms. I worked up until 1am to talk with my parents and get work done to prepare for the next day.

Day 2: Monday, June 17th

Around 5am, I woke up for the Morning Run. There was a large crowd of maybe 50-60 kids out there, like we were having a PE Class. We followed the Counselor in charge of the Morning Run and ran to a specific place before we could run anywhere to do exercise as long as we didn’t leave the boundaries. At around 6am, we were sent back to our dorms to get ready with our day. At around 7am we had breakfast in the Tucker Center, which was mainly Scrambled Eggs, Hash Browns (or any other form of potato) and juices to choose from, like it will be for most days throughout the week. After breakfast, we had lessons about the Executive Branch and the Judicial Branch. We also had lessons about law, where I answered a question about what kind of laws there are (I answered Military Law), and then we had a guest speaker talk to us.

Monday afternoon after lunch, we worked on county elections (city elections were yesterday), so we had elections where we elected our county representatives for special spots. I ran for a few, but I didn’t get voted into any of them (I didn’t speak clearly enough, and I wasn’t seen as competitive). After the elections, we had a county project, where we shared a scenario with the city on the same floor as us. I put as much input as possible, making me a good asset for the department I belonged in. After dinner, we had a few announcements of what was going to happen in the next few days, along with a reminder that there was no Morning Run Wednesday morning.

As we arrived at our dorms Monday night, we went to finish our county project, but my group was finished, so I volunteered my time to help the others in the other departments, but they respectfully declined my assistance. Shortly after, we had a Christian gathering, where more than a dozen Christians came together to share testimonies and beliefs (People had separate denominations). I would say that was the most wholesome moment I had in Boys State, being able to talk with other Christians including the chosen Chaplain of the program (props to him being the spiritual leader for our program). Later, I was pulled in by a fellow Boys Stater in my city and was asked if I would like to study with them around 5 in the morning. I agreed and then went to my room to finish some work and talk with my parents. I went to sleep at roughly 12 am because when my roommate and I woke up, we would leave to join a study group for an important test that lawyers take, called the Bar Test.

Day 3: Tuesday June 18th

Tuesday morning around 5am, I woke up along with my roommate to enter a conference room on our floor so we can study for the important Bar Exam (The Exam that Lawyers take so they can practice Law). Me along with a small handful of others studied for the exam before it was time to get ready for the day.

After Breakfast (the usual eggs, bacon or sausage, some form of potato and fruit juices), we took the Bar Exam after a review. I was not able to see my score until later that afternoon. But now we had more guest speakers and lessons about the Legislative Branch and about the spots that we can run for in the government (House of Representative, Senator, etc.) I planned to run for Senator.

After having lunch in the afternoon, we went to our places to start voting for the second county elections. Each county was separated throughout the other places. My County didn’t want to vote me for Attorney General and replaced me with another person, but I was showing my fullest support throughout the primary elections. I tried my best, but maybe it wasn’t the right spot for me. We got to choose our County Candidates to represent us. They will run and represent us tomorrow for primary elections and eventually state elections. For now, we just got to choose our County Candidates.

After dinner that evening, we were sent to our dorms a little earlier than usual. We were also given last minute time to work on our county projects, but since my team finished way earlier than the rest of the teams, we had nothing to work on. I used that time to talk with my family and finalize my speeches for tomorrow. Knowing there is no morning run the next morning, I will be able to sleep in and rest easily. That night was the best sleep I have ever had in Boys State. I got to sleep around 11:15 pm and didn’t have to wake up until 7:30 am next morning. That was the best sleep I ever had in that week.

Day 4: Wednesday June 19th

Wednesday Morning, I went to sleep a few hours later. I enjoyed every second of my sleep, knowing most of my work has been finalized and there is no morning run. My roommate talked about feeling better and relaxed after that sleep and to be honest, I felt the same. Around 8am everyone in my city left our rooms and ate our light breakfast (a large muffin). It’s a light breakfast and I liked it because I’m not a breakfast person. After getting to the Tucker Center, we had most guest speakers, but they are not like any other ones. People in charge of certain Military Academies spoke about their programs and also the Mayor of Tallahassee came in to speak too. He pulled me for a conversation, and I will never feel this honored for a long time. I also got to check out the Military Academy exhibits, and I was interested. I am not sure if I really want to go, but I will keep it just in case.

After lunch in the afternoon, we had our elections where we would vote for each spot to represent our party (Governor, Attorney General, and 2 Commissioners). No one in my city has got to represent us, but that’s okay. A little bit after the primary election, we had the main election between the Federalists vs the Nationalists. As a Nationalist, I supported the Federalists in all the spots besides the Attorney General.

The voting for this election was like no other. We got to vote like how we would do for the present, electronically. We fill in the blanks on our paper ticket, put it in the machine for the vote to count, then we get a “I voted” sticker. I got the feeling of what voting feels like for the first time. While the main election was going on, we had a talent show. I enjoyed the performer that danced and solved a Rubik’s Cube at the same time. While that guy was on stage, everyone in my city shouted my name and told me to go out there to try to compete against him, although it was a bad idea since my thumb is still hurting from being sliced on Saturday. However, after the talent show, I made a petition to host a Rubik’s Cube competition before Boys State Ended. Many people signed and I turned it into my counselor and he will bring it up to the Director of FALBS. I won’t know if my request will get accepted until the next day. For the winners of Boys State elections, all the Federalists won and not a single Nationalist was close for the Attorney General, which was down by less than 15 votes.

That night when we returned to our dorms, the Federalists were making fun of the Nationalists, which included me. I didn’t mind it that much because I already believed the Federalists would do better than the Nationalists. My roommate agreed not to not make fun of me for the party’s loss and I didn’t care about the loss. I went to bed at 12am. I tried sleeping at 11 but the moment I realized I will actually be able to go inside the Capitol building and do work like a Representative made me so excited. I just couldn’t wait.

Day 5: Thursday June 20th.

Thursday morning at around 5am, I left again to do the run. I was so exhausted that after running, I fell asleep, sleepwalking. I was woken up and got taken back right before I left the designated area. I kept trying to fight my sleep, wishing I didn’t leave the dorm. After I returned, I showered and got ready to go since I had no time to sleep more before going. I was suddenly awake when I remembered I was going to be able to go to the Capital later in the day and I was excited, making me feel wide awake again. Shortly after breakfast, we got seated at the basketball court where we took all our tests and lessons and some other things. The House and Assembly (Assembly is the alternative spot for House of Representatives if you don’t get elected for House) went to the capital where they got to visit the House Chamber and pass laws (I wasn’t sure what the Senate and the Forum, the alternative for Senate were doing). The Assembly was first, so the house went to the House Gallery. I took that as a good time to sleep because it was about an hour long, so I napped. I stayed awake, however, for the most important parts.

In the afternoon right after lunch, we went back to the Capital, which was a 20-minute walk. It was the House of Representatives turn. I spoke regularly so I can fight for or against the bills, depending on the bill. I was able to save a bill using the “Reconsider” Motion, which was to redo the last motion, which was to vote for my case, passing it to the Senate. I felt like I did a lot and I wanted to do more, only if there was more time. The counselor told me that the petition I made to host a Rubik’s Cube competition couldnot be fulfilled because the agenda was too full and there was no room to squeeze in the competition. It made me sad, but I fully understood.

Later that evening, right before the sun went down. My city and counselors were led by a student from FSU, showing us around the campus. FSU had many buildings, a giant library, a game area, swimmable fountains and deluxe dorms for more special students (staff too?) After about an hour of touring, we headed back to our dorms, had a city meeting and then I was given a special request by someone in my city. I was asked to sponsor the bill that he made since it passed the Senate. Unfortunately, I had to turn him down, telling him I am not good at sponsoring the type of bill he wants me to sponsor. Instead, I referred him to someone else that would do a much better job than me at sponsoring his bill. He thanked me for being humble and honest and went to the person I referred him to. I went to bed as early as possible, knowing tomorrow is the last full day of Boys State. I want to go home, but I didn’t want to let go of all the friendships I have made with the counselors and the other Delegates.

Day 6: Friday June 21st

I didn’t do the morning run this morning. I woke up at around 6:30 because I knew I needed as much rest as possible. I showered and got my dress suit ready to wear when I returned to the dorms. I am supposed to have an Awards Ceremony later that night. I went to eat breakfast and continue the day like normal.

Throughout the morning and afternoon, I took law classes and helped pass or destroy laws like I did the day before and had lunch in between. Around 4:30, we were sent to our dorms to rest a little bit before the Awards Ceremony. We rested a little more before our final council meeting before we headed off to the Tucker Center one last time. I asked my counselor for special permission to disappear a little so I can buy our city snacks and drinks and also to get souvenirs and he gave me permission.

I went off to hand the cashier 30$ to load a random box of random combinations of snacks and drinks. He understood immediately what I was doing so he helped with part of it (I thank him for that) and I headed upstairs to my floor as fast as I could. We had a meeting where the counselor asked how many people were leaving that night instead of the next morning. I will be staying the night. After we left for our dorms to get some rest, then change, I made an announcement to the city. I announced out loud “We know how today is the last full day of Boys State, right? (Everyone agreed). I know some of us are leaving tonight. I wanted to do this later, but some of you guys wouldn’t have a chance if I were to do it later tonight. So, I have something for you guys, give me a second.” As I turned around to get the box of snacks and drinks from the nearest table, everyone in my city was hyping me on and cheering me on. As soon as I went to grab the box and turned around, everyone shouted and applauded. I said to everyone to start with 1 so everyone can get one and then if they wanted, they could come for seconds. I have earned high respect from the delegates and the counselors in my city (I have 2, but 1 is a very busy one, but I don’t blame him [keep working hard!]) for they all have earned my respect and gratitude in many ways. Besides the Christian gathering I had on Monday; this was the most wholesome moment for me. Shortly after everyone got snacks and the ones who wanted seconds got seconds, I headed for my dorm to talk with my family. I am ready to finish the rest of my time at Boys State before it is time for me to go.

After spending time with my fellow “citizens”, I went off to get ready for the awards ceremony. I got dressed (in the pictures) and I prepared to head for the Tucker Center. I went with my city and counselors headed there. Upon getting there, we had one last meal at the Tucker Center. When I walked in, I felt like I just walked into a 2-Michelin Star Restaurant. The presentation was amazing, the food was 100x better (the normal food we had before this was decent), and we had real utensils (We normally use plastic plates and utensils). I ate like I was in Olive Garden (it felt weird to do that since I normally eat like if I am at a speed eating competition ). We had our awards after the food, and we headed back to our dorms for the last time. My roommate and I packed so he and I can do a sleepover at another dorm (It was 6 of us total). I said goodbye to everyone that was heading out before the night and got each other’s contacts (I didn’t get all of them, but I got a special few). We slept and we needed to get ready before 6am the next day.

Day 7: Saturday June 22nd

I have to wake up along with my group at 5:30am. We needed to be finished by 5:55, so I took my things, got showered and headed my way out. I got to make one more goodbye to everyone that had a meaningful impact on me (my entire city did in one way). I will see them again one day. I shed a few tears, but only a few because I knew I would be able to contact them in the future.

After leaving the dorm building at 6am, I went with my group that was riding my bus home. There I found all my friends I found from school. I have run into them before, but after that entire week, I had limited contact with them. But it’s alright, we all got to meet new friends and spend time together.

I got interviewed this morning, just like Sunday morning upon arriving. Sunday morning, I was asked my name and what I will be expecting upon being at Boys State. This morning, I was asked if I got what I expected being at the trip for Boys State. Here are my answers…

Sunday Morning: “What would be expected from Boys State?”

“I think I will have an amazing time getting to learn more things I wouldn’t have learned elsewhere, get to make long-lasting friendships and be able to change as a person.”

Saturday Morning: “Did you get what you were expecting at Boys State?”

“Yes and much more. I learned some lifelong skills that I was not only able to use for Boys State, but to also use it later in life. Boys State has changed me as a person, made many good friends and I learned a lot more about Florida than I could not have learned from anywhere else.”

3 minutes after the interview, my bus was ready to get loaded to head home. We are going back to the Legion Posts that we went to before heading to Boys State Saturday Night. It was a long ride, so I slept for a little bit and 4-5 hours later, I made it to my Legion Post. I said goodbye and thank you to the driver and I settled outside by the tables. I waited for a few and then my mother took me home.

I appreciated a lot of what Boys State has done for me even after the program. I appreciate all the things that the once-in-a-lifetime program has taught me. I thank my school for recommending me, especially the 2 teachers that told me about it. I thank my Legion Post for approving of me and I can’t thank you enough. And most importantly. Thank you, Boys State, for the many useful things in life that I would likely fall behind on if it wasn’t for you guys. Thank you, and this was my full experience at Boys State!
