Commander's Corner

Commander’s Corner

Department Commander Michael Raymond

Department Commander Michael “Gambler” Raymond

January 2024

Unfortunately, I must start this month’s newsletter with not-so-good news. We all lost a great Legionnaire, a great volunteer, and a great Rider and friend. Tim Morris has lost his battle with pancreatic cancer and has gone to the Commander of us all. I was very close to Tim, having traveled all over this great country on 4 Legacy rides. When you spend this kind of time with a person, you get to know them very well. Debbie and I will miss his smile tremendously; each “bridge out” sign will always bring fond memories. Keep smiling and riding, Tim. We’ll see you again, I’m sure.

The good news is that you guys are killing it in membership. At the pace we’re going, there’s no doubt in my mind that we will be on top this year. We are currently running well ahead of last year, and if the trend continues, we’ll be looking at a solid 100+ percent by March 2024. All we have to do is continue what we are doing. Keep up the Buddy Calls and stay in touch with your members. Continue to do the programs you’re good at, and maybe even add one or two to your agenda. I, along with Law Cadet Chairman Bud Boyer, would love to see this program take off this year. We will be opening registration on Jan.1st to all interested candidates. Contact Bud or Bekki for more info. I also have some flyers with me, so ask.

During my visits this year to your posts, I have asked questions concerning your successes at your posts. I’ve been to many posts already, and I am getting some great input. I will compile this info and report back to you at the Dept. Convention. As far as complaints are concerned, most posts tell me the same thing. Lack of volunteers! I’ve talked to these “same ole six” and I always get the “same ole reason”. Lack of appreciation! We have to make a point of thanking and rewarding your volunteers on a regular basis. Whether it’s a pat on the back, a certificate, or even a free drink, they will always appreciate it. And reward them in public, maybe at a post-meeting or event. One of the most cherished awards I ever received was for community involvement and was given to me at an event for our 100th anniversary of the American Legion. Totally unexpected and meant the world to me. Reward your volunteers, and they will come back.

Finally, please keep doing what you’re doing. When I asked you at the beginning of the year to help “Stop the Slide,” you took me literally, and you’re knocking it out of the park. Please have a safe and wonderful holiday.

Stay healthy, God Bless.

“I’m Proud To Be Legion!”

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Disaster Relief is a program of The American Legion, Department of Florida and the National Emergency Fund is a program of National American Legion, ensuring that our Veterans and Posts are taken care of in the event of a natural disaster.