COVID-19 Update – National Headquarters

Due to the uncertainty of when our nation will overcome the COVID-19 virus, and because we want to ensure that a minimum number of people are infected, we have taken the following steps to limit exposure of Legionnaires, program participants, and the national headquarters staff:

  • The National Oratorical Finals scheduled to be in Indianapolis near the end of April have been cancelled.
  • The Spring Meetings have been canceled.
  • The Junior Shooting Sports competition scheduled for July has been cancelled.
  • Boys Nation, also scheduled for July, has been cancelled.

We advise departments to consider similar measures. Right now, it is too soon to predict the effect that the virus will have on the American Legion World Series or the national convention, but those decisions will be made within the next couple of months.

In the meantime, your national headquarters continues to function – some employees are in the offices, many others working remotely from home. You should still be able to reach the vast majority of us via email or phone. If you need assistance with something and cannot reach the person responsible in a timely manner, please let my assistant Mary Rooney know (contact information below), and she will work at getting an answer for you.
