Category Archives: National

Letter from National Commander

To my fellow Legionnaires in Florida,

This is an exciting time for our American Legion. This year, we passed a milestone that very few organizations ever get to accomplish: a centennial. Although we have a truly remarkable history that no organization can match, I like to remember the title of an old song, “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet!”

Our first century demonstrated the power that a large group of veterans can have in shaping national policy and communities from coast-to-coast and even regions overseas. In the early years, these endeavors succeeded without the use of widespread air travel, universal telephones or even national highways.

As we enter our second century, think of what we can accomplish through the use of social media, telecommunications and technologies in store for us that we cannot even begin to fathom. The theme for my year is a foundation for the future. And the main ingredient in the foundation is our membership.

We fought for passage of the LEGION Act not as a membership tool but because of the millions of veterans who served honorably during periods not recognized by Congress. Approximately 1,600 brave men and women were killed or wounded during hostile operations that occurred during those periods from the end of World War II to the beginning of the Gulf War. They too earned the right to be called “Legionnaires.” We would be foolish not to welcome the estimated 4.2 million living veterans from those periods into our ranks. When you consider all of their relatives, our American Legion Family can grow exponentially.

Even as we build a foundation for the future, our founding pillars and values remain the same. In my own shorthand, I like to refer to these pillars as V-DAY – that’s Veterans, Defense, Americanism and Youth.

V-DAY is what you all do every day when members of your department volunteer at the local VA, advocate for the needs of our military, retire an unserviceable American flag, or sponsor a teenager in one of our great youth programs.

I know that your department will continue to explore ways in which The American Legion will continue to serve America by combining our traditional values with a foundation for the future. Have a great conference.

For God & Country,

James W. “Bill” Oxford
National Commander

Employment Opportunity

Department Director

The American Legion is seeking a qualified and committed individual to supervise the Department Veterans Service Division.  The American Legion of Washington is a non-profit Veterans Service Organization chartered by the US Congress in 1919.  It is committed to serving veterans and their families, our local communities and the United States of America.


The primary office is located in the Henry M. Jackson Federal Building in Seattle, WA.  There are multiple subordinate offices located throughout the state.


The Department Service Officer is the Director of The American Legion Service Division responsible for a wide range of professional level work including the supervision and administration of the veterans service program throughout the State of Washington.

  • Supervise 16 – 25 full time and part time employees working at various locations throughout the state
  • Develop and administer the Department Service Division annual budget
  • Represent The American Legion at federal, state and community meetings
  • Provide advice and assistance to veterans and their family members regarding VA benefits and programs
  • Research, prepare and present written and oral arguments before the Board of Veterans’ Appeals Adjudication Officers in Seattle
  • Participate in 12 annual District conferences, annual Department Mid-Winter conference, annual Department convention, annual National convention, National training seminars and other meetings/conferences throughout the state and nation
  • Develop and manage the veterans’ service officer training program
  • Act as the Department Commander’s representative to the US Department of Veterans Affairs and the Washington Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Oversee Washington State contracts with the Service Division of The American Legion Department of Washington
  • Oversee all other contracts between other agencies and the Service Division of The American Legion Department of Washington

Desirable Qualifications:

The successful applicant will possess the knowledge, skills and abilities gained though education and experience to excel in the areas of program administration, personnel supervision, management and budget planning and oversight.  Training pertaining to VA case law and VA benefits programs will be provided.  The candidate should possess the following attributes.

  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, both written and oral
  • Strong leadership abilities
  • Ability to apply quality standards effectively
  • Ability to prepare and administer budgets
  • Excellent presentation skills
  • Experienced with common word processing, spreadsheet and presentation computer programs including MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint
  • Demonstrated ability to develop relationships with executive managers

How to Apply:

Mail, FAX or email resume and letter of interest to The American Legion Department of Washington, PO Box 3917, Lacey, WA 98509-3917; FAX (360) 491-7442 or

Final Date to Apply:

Resumes must be received at the Department of Washington office no later than September 20, 2019.

Special Notes:

  1. This is a salaried position that may require occasional work beyond normal office hours and on weekends.
  2. Travel by airplane and automobile is required to fulfill the requirements of this position.
  3. The incumbent serves at the direction of the Department of Washington State Commander

Selection Process:

The Department Commander has appointed a selection committee to review the résumés, select applicants for interview and conduct the interviews of the candidates.  Initial interviews will be conducted in Lacey, WA with subsequent interviews in Seattle, WA, as required.


The salary range for this position is $45,000- $55,000.  Benefits include 401K retirement plan and paid vacation and sick leave.  Health, dental and life insurance is available with employee contribution.

Veterans Preference:

Only wartime era veterans eligible for membership in The American Legion can be considered for this position.  The American Legion is an equal opportunity employer and actively supports diversity in the workplace.  Women, racial and ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities and persons over 40 years of age are also encouraged to apply.

FAQs about the change from ‘wives’ to ‘spouses’ in the Legion’s Constitution

By The American Legion Auxiliary, August 31, 2019

The American Legion Constitution and Bylaws has been updated to replace the word “wife” with “spouse,” related to the membership criteria for the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA). To understand more about the legal background, check with an expert like Bob Bratt.

Here are some common questions and answers to what this means going forward:

Question: Why change ALA membership eligibility?
Answer: In 1920, veterans were almost 100 percent male so the ALA was formed as the organization for the spouses of the veteran — those spouses just happened to be women.

Today, an estimated 16 percent of enlisted people and 18 percent of officers are women, who may be married to a non-veteran. To keep the ALA as the organization that supports spouses of the veteran, we need to change the ALA’s definition from wives to spouses, thereby updating the organization to represent the changing makeup of the military.

Q: How can this change help ALA membership?
A: Think about female spouses who are alone as their husband is deployed. They have the ALA to lean on. Who can the male spouse rely on? With this eligibility change, now male spouses who are ALA members can receive the same support while their wives are deployed.

Q: Would this change need to be approved by Congress?
A: No, because the American Legion Auxiliary is not chartered by Congress. The American Legion, which was chartered by Congress, created the ALA. The Legion approved the ALA to operate as a separate corporation; however, The American Legion has always set the eligibility requirements of the ALA in their bylaws.

Q: What about the previous communications issued by former ALA leadership claiming this change could not happen? Why is that information inaccurate?
A: Previously released messaging could have been interpreted by members to mean ALA needs congressional approval for this change to happen. That information is inaccurate. The American Legion Auxiliary is not chartered by Congress.

Q: ALA refers to itself as the world’s largest women’s patriotic service organization. How can we allow men to join?
A: Now that the resolution has been adopted by The American Legion, the Auxiliary will no longer call itself the world’s largest women’s patriotic service organization.

Q: How would this change affect the American Legion Auxiliary membership application or signing up new members?
A: We anticipate taking applications on Sept. 1.

Legion updates Auxiliary eligibility criteria from ‘wives’ to ‘spouses’

National, Henry Howard, Aug 31, 2019

During The American Legion’s 101st National Convention, delegates approved changes to the Constitution and Bylaws to replace the word “wife” with “spouse,” related to the membership criteria for the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA).

The American Legion, which was chartered by Congress, created the ALA. For that reason, the ALA operates as a separate corporation and does not need congressional approval for an eligibility change. The American Legion’s bylaws have always set the eligibility requirements of the ALA.

“We are happy to welcome eligible male spouses of veterans and servicemembers to the American Legion Family,” ALA National President Nicole Clapp said. “This is consistent with our longstanding legacy of embracing military families and supporting them any way we can.”

The ALA expects to begin taking applications for new potential members Sept. 1.

The change to Article XIII now reads as such:

The American Legion recognizes an auxiliary organization, known as The American Legion Auxiliary.

Membership in The American Legion Auxiliary shall be limited to the:

(1) grandmothers, mothers, sisters, spouses, and direct and adopted female descendants of members of The American Legion; and

(2) grandmothers, mothers, sisters, spouses, and direct and adopted female descendants of all men and women who served in either of the following periods: April 6, 1917, to November 11, 1918, and any time after December 7, 1941, who, being a citizen of the United States at the time of their entry therein served on active duty in the Armed Forces of any of the governments associated with the United States during either eligibility periods and died in the line of duty or after honorable discharge;

(3) grandmothers, mothers, sisters, spouses, and direct and adopted female descendants of all men and women who were in the Armed Forces of the United States during either of the following periods: April 6, 1917, to November 11, 1918; and any time after December 7, 1941 who served on active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States during either eligibility periods and died in the line of duty or after honorable discharge; and

(4) to those women who of their own right are eligible for membership in The American Legion.

Legion to Congress: ‘Fix the Gold Star Kiddie Tax!’

INDIANAPOLIS,( August 19, 2019)—The head of The American Legion called on Congress to address a tax that unfairly penalizes Gold Star families once lawmakers return to Washington.

“There is a real problem with this provision of the tax reform but the Senate and the House already passed different solutions to fix it,” National Commander Brett P. Reistad said of the measure. “For many Gold Star family members the tax penalty has become unbearable. In some cases the taxes on the survivor’s benefits received after a military member’s death have increased from $1,000 a year in 2018 to nearly $4,500 in 2019. It re-defines certain benefits for children as ‘unearned income,’ subjecting them to higher rates. Increasing the tax burden on these families who lost a loved one is unconscionable.”

The law, which is often referred to as “the kiddie tax,” increases the marginal tax rate for some to as much as 37 percent.

“It’s outrageous to hammer these families with such an unjust tax hike. Haven’t they already sacrificed enough? How can a family plan its financial future for such things as rent, food or the basic necessities of life when the tax rate on the important benefits they received is held up in limbo? In addition to the ‘kiddie tax,’ there is a ‘widow’s tax’ that The American Legion has long opposed.” Reistad said. “The House version of the National Defense Authorization Act includes the elimination of the widow’s tax and The American Legion has called on the Senate conferees to adopt the same language and pass it as part of the budget deal as soon as they return from recess.”

With a current membership of nearly two million wartime veterans, The American Legion was founded in 1919 on the four pillars of a strong national security, veterans affairs, patriotic youth programs and Americanism. Legionnaires work for the betterment of their communities through nearly 13,000 posts worldwide. From the drafting of the original GI Bill to the creation of the Department of Veterans Affairs, The American Legion is the most influential voice for America’s veterans. The American Legion,, will be celebrating its centennial through Veteran Day.

Legion Commander on Shootings: Evil Will Not Triumph

(INDIANAPOLIS, August 5, 2019) — The leader of the nation’s largest veterans organization issued the following statement in response to the recent mass shootings:

“From Gilroy, California to El Paso, Texas to Dayton, Ohio – there are just no words to fully express the outrage that The American Legion feels toward the perpetrators of these horrific acts, which is only outweighed by the compassion and sorrow that we feel for the families impacted,” National Commander Brett P. Reistad said. “There are no simple solutions that will totally stop such atrocities from occurring. But we must put politics aside and prioritize civility. We must open our minds and consider ideas that will make our communities safer. Veterans didn’t fight in wars abroad only to witness carnage at home. Support the first responders and donate blood. Express your concerns to authorities when you see troubling behavior that could develop into something worse. Above all, love thy neighbor. Evil will not triumph.”

The American Legion Welcomes President’s Signing of LEGION Act

President Donald J. Trump signs S. 504, the Let Everyone Get Involved in Opportunities for National Service (LEGION) Act Tuesday, July 30, 2019, in the Oval Office of the White House. Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour

(INDIANAPOLIS, July 30, 2019) — The head of the nation’s largest veterans organization thanked President Trump for signing a bipartisan act which will recognize veterans who served during periods not previously considered “wartime.”

The Let Everyone Get Involved In Opportunities for National Service Act (LEGION Act) opens the door for millions of veterans to access American Legion programs and benefits for which they previously had not been eligible.

“We are grateful that President Trump fully acknowledges the importance of The American Legion by signing the LEGION Act in the White House today – just one week after it passed the House of Representatives,” National Commander Brett P. Reistad said. “In an era of partisan gridlock, Republicans and Democrats in Congress overwhelmingly recognized the importance of allowing millions of honorable but previously ineligible veterans the right to join the largest and most influential veterans organization in the country.”

The gaps in the war eras were largely during the Cold War, a time when threats to U.S. national security was real, especially to the men and women serving in uniform. Overall, about 1,600 U.S. servicemembers were killed or wounded in hostile operations during periods that were not previously recognized as times of war by the federal government.

“Recognizing the service of these wartime veterans is the right thing do and it is long overdue,” Reistad said. “The families of those who were killed or wounded during these wartime acts should take pride in knowing that we recognize their sacrifice and service. Moreover, we are proud to welcome any of the six million living veterans from the previously unrecognized periods into our organization and call them ‘Legionnaires.’”

Reistad points out that existing American Legion membership applications are in the process of being updated but can still be used. “In the meantime, I recommend that prospective Legionnaires and recruiters write ‘LEGION Act’ in the eligibility date section of American Legion membership applications if they fall outside the previous war eras,” Reistad said. “The larger pool of veterans now eligible for The American Legion will also open their family members to eligibility in the Sons of the American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary as well.”

With a current membership of nearly two million wartime veterans, The American Legion was founded in 1919 on the four pillars of a strong national security, veterans affairs, patriotic youth programs and Americanism. Legionnaires work for the betterment of their communities through nearly 13,000 posts worldwide. From the drafting of the original GI Bill to the creation of the Department of Veterans Affairs, The American Legion is the most influential voice for America’s veterans. The American Legion,, will be celebrating its centennial through Veterans Day.

Join Now

The American Legion and The Hawthorne Gardening Company team up to support wounded, ill and injured veterans in local communities

INDIANAPOLIS (July 24, 2019) — The nation’s largest wartime veterans service organization and a leader and pioneer in the gardening industry will join forces to help veterans overcome the mental and physical wounds suffered during deployment. The American Legion announced today that The Hawthorne Gardening Company will support its Operation Comfort Warriors (OCW) program, which provides supplies and equipment that play an important role in the rehabilitation and quality of life for wounded warriors and veterans.

“Today’s veteran is recovering from illnesses and injuries in traditional and non-traditional ways,” said American Legion National Commander Brett P. Reistad. “Some of the more creative ways aren’t included in military and VA budgets. Whether it is loose-fitting sweat suits to cover their healing wounds, fitness equipment to rebuild strength, or a fun outing that helps them reintegrate into society, The American Legion, with incredible support from companies like Hawthorne, is filling a need.”

To kick off the relationship, Hawthorne and The American Legion will host a respite event in August in Tacoma, Washington with 500 veterans and their families. The gift from Hawthorne will also be used to support additional emergent grant requests through the end of 2020.

“Support for our nation’s veterans is a responsibility we all share,” said Chris Hagedorn, senior vice president and general manager of Hawthorne Gardening Company. “More than ever, our country’s veterans need our support and The American Legion’s Operation Comfort Warriors program is able to provide recovery items such as services that are tailored to the individual needs of service members. This is especially important to me as a member of a family with military roots as well as a proud employer of military veterans.”

Each year The American Legion awards approximately 25 grants that provide support at military hospitals, warrior transition units and VA medical facilities across the country. For more information about the Operation Comfort Warriors program visit

About The Hawthorne Gardening Company
Hawthorne Gardening Co. is a house of brands that provide an incredible array of tools for a multitude of gardening needs, and yet, all share one mission: to help people live happier, healthier lives through the basic tools we offer. We have always been a brand that does what is best for the environment first and the people that is living in it. Our company is dedicated to creating high-quality products founded in social and environmental responsibility. We create engaging consumer experiences and products with the ease and innovation to empower more people to garden — no matter where they chose to grow.

Contact: Cheryl Hall

Massachusetts Student Elected President of the 2019 American Legion Boys Nation; Montana Student Elected Vice President

WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 23, 2019) – Two prominent leaders emerged from Boys Nation Tuesday night.

Lou Acevedo, of Gardner, Mass., was elected president of The American Legion Boys Nation at Marymount University for the 2019 program. During the election, which was run as a mock presidential campaign, Acevedo won against the delegate from Kentucky, Jack Cogbill.

Boys Nation, a signature program of the nation’s largest veterans’ service organization, provides an intensive week-long, hands-on education in American politics and the legislative system for a select group of high school students each year.

An incoming senior at Monty Tech Regional High School, Acevedo plans on attending the Massachusetts Maritime Academy to become an engine officer in the Merchant Marines or a machinist/mold maker.

“Giving somebody a trade is giving somebody a chance,” Acevedo said. “I don’t know where I’d be without my trade and my skills now.”

Also elected Tuesday night was Boys Nation Vice President Thomas Penley of Helena, Mont. He defeated Ryan Dudley of Connecticut.

Two representatives from each of the 50 Boys States represent their home state or, in the case of the District of Columbia, their district as a senator. The senators caucus at the beginning of the session, organize into committees and conduct hearings on bills, allowing delegates to learn the proper legislative procedures according to the U.S. Senate. Activities include mock party conventions, legislative elections, debates, speeches and visits to Capitol Hill and other historical sites. Delegates will also visit the offices of their state’s respective members of Congress and present bills of their own creation.

Since Boys Nation began in 1946, a number of its graduates have been elected to public office, including presidents, congressmen, state governors and state legislators.

Media contact: Andy Proffet,

S.21 and H.R. 367, the “Pay Our Coast Guard Act”

 Take Action!

Contact your Senators and Representative today

The American Legion must continue to serve as a powerful voice for veterans. Our voice in our nation’s capital is only as strong as our membership allows us to be. The American Legion’s Legionnaires, Auxiliary members, and Sons of The American Legion are the heart and soul of our organization.

Today, we need your help in contacting your members of the Senate and House of Representatives. Please use the prepared message or your own letter to ask them to cosponsor and pass S.21 and H.R. 367, respectively. Your member needs to encourage congressional leadership to bring the Pay Our Coast Guard Act to the floor for a vote, and to promise to vote for this legislation, to ensure our members of the Coast Guard do not go without pay ever again.

Members of the US Coast Guard should never find their pay jeopardized because of partisan unrest in Washington D.C. There is a constant and real threat, because of any government shutdown, that without the action of Congress, the Coast Guard may not be able to pay their members. With the current political climate, we need Congress to take immediate bipartisan action. A select number of members of Congress have come together in bipartisan fashion to introduce S.21 and H.R. 367, the Pay Our Coast Guard Act, in this 116th Congress.

Earlier this year, the longest government shutdown in our nation’s history came to an end, stopping what had been more than a three-week gap since more than 41,000 active-duty members of the U.S. Coast Guard had been paid. The American Legion’s Temporary Financial Assistance (TFA) program was able to provide more than $1 million in non-repayable grants to approximately 1,713 Coast Guard families with 3,170 children.

TFA grants, like the ones distributed to Coast Guard families affected by the shutdown, are made possible through donations to The American Legion Veterans and Children Foundation at The foundation supports veterans and military families in need, as well as American Legion service officers who provide free VA benefits and health care assistance to veterans.

Contact your Senator and Representative today to tell them to pay the Coast Guard!

“The brave members of our Coast Guard risk their lives defending us daily, just like their sister services in the Department of Defense…. Whether they are performing rescues during a hurricane or stopping drug traffickers at sea, members of the Coast Guard regularly perform heroic and lifesaving tasks on our behalf. They should not have to worry about bills and living expenses just because Congress and the White House cannot agree on a budget.” – Brett P. Reistad, National Commander

Legion Announces Recipients of 4th Estate Journalism Awards

INDIANAPOLIS (May 17, 2019) – A San Francisco Bay-area television news station, a community newspaper and an influential online media outlet will receive The American Legion’s Fourth Estate Award during the 101st National Convention of the nation’s largest veterans organization in Indianapolis, on August 29.

The Fourth Estate Award has been presented annually by The American Legion since 1958 for outstanding achievement in the field of journalism. Nominations in 2019 were considered in three categories: broadcast, print and new media (Internet). They were selected by the organization’s Media & Communications Commission on May 6 and announced today.

Taking top honor in the broadcast category is San Francisco NBC-affiliate KNTV. In a comprehensive series titled “Failure to Report: Sex Abuse Victims Silenced,” the stationed examined allegations of sexual abuse made by student of a private high school in San Jose. As a result of the station’s reporting, the school revised its policies on the handling of abuse accusations, two teachers were put on administrative leave and the school’s president resigned.

The Republican of Springfield, Mass., is being recognized in the print category for its profile of World War II Army Nurse Corps veteran Louise Fleming. “There is another side of war, a time when beauty appears,” the feature said. The piece, authored by managing editor Cynthia Simison, highlights the distinguished service by Fleming and fulfills The American Legion’s longtime goal of promoting the honorable nature of military service.

The Fourth Estate New Media Award is going to Reporter Oriana Pawlyk wrote about an Air Force policy prohibiting its pilots from using the HIV-preventative drug Truvada, despite its approval for use by members of other military branches. Shortly after the report was published, 14 members of Congress signed a letter to the Air Force secretary. The service soon after reversed its policy.

“As a veterans organization, The American Legion cherishes the U.S. Constitution, the First Amendment and the special role that a free press plays in our society,” said Brett. P. Reistad, national commander of The American Legion. “The American Legion would not be nearly as effective without media coverage of our positions and programs on the national and community level. The Fourth Estate Awards represent the best of the best. These award winners are being recognized for outstanding works of journalism that not only stand far above normal media reporting, but have also resulted in outcomes that have positively impacted the lives of people and issues. These committed journalists have devoted long, hard hours into investigating, researching, writing and producing reports that have truly made a difference.

“I will be honored to present each of these deserving recipients with our highest recognition of journalistic accomplishment, The American Legion Fourth Estate Award, at our national convention in Indianapolis this summer,” Reistad said. “They are all credits to their profession.”

Previous winners of the award include CNN, CBS, USA Today, ABC News, C-SPAN, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and Life Magazine, among others.

The American Legion was founded by World War I veterans in 1919 on the four pillars of a strong national security, veterans affairs, Americanism, and patriotic youth programs. Legionnaires work for the betterment of their communities through nearly 13,000 posts across the nation.

National Emergency Fund, Tornado Outbreak and other storms

Today and tomorrow, many of the states across the Southeast, Northeast, Ohio Valley and others will be affected by these devastating severe storms. According to The Weather Channel, for the deep south it’s a 6 in 10 chance there will be tornados, and up the Eastern Seaboard and points north, a 4 in 10 chance. We just want to remind you of the National Emergency Fund. As long as the location from where an application is coming from has been declared a natural or state of emergency disaster, (either state or federal declaration) the members or posts in your department can apply for funds.

Reminder, for Legion and SAL members, they must have been displaced (by damages) or evacuated from their primary residence. The fund can provide grant monies to cover their out of pocket expenses (food, clothing, shelter, medicines, etc.). Not meant to replace or repair damages to their home or outbuildings or vehicles. Receipts for these expenses are needed. Photos are needed. Insurance paperwork, to include what their deductible will be, is helpful. As much information provided is helpful when consideration is given to these members. And they must have been active at the date of the disaster and date of application.

For posts, proof of what programs will suffer as a result of post not being able to operate normally (usually the Consolidated Post Report is extremely helpful). Operations or supplies to their social quarters is not provided for. Insurance paperwork is helpful. Photos are needed.

Bottom line, provide to us as much information as you can so we can do our best to make a good determination to assist our members and post to get as closely back to normal as possible after the disaster hits.

The link below provides where you can download the form. Please share with all your contacts in those states that have been adversely affected.

Please send to us any printed applications in the mail, fax to us at: 317-630-1413 or scan/e-mail to Internal Affairs at

Legion to VA: ‘Fix Communication Breakdowns’

(INDIANAPOLIS, April 11, 2019) — Calling it a case of “mission delayed turning into mission failure,” American Legion National Commander Brett P. Reistad called for VA officials to implement a plan to prevent future communication breakdowns between home-care social workers and VA medical centers.

Reistad specifically referred to the case of a veteran who had to undergo a partial leg amputation due to delays in receiving home health consultations after being discharged from the Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center in Indianapolis. The patient, who was treated for diabetic ketoacidosis and an ulcerated foot abscess, “did not receive the necessary home health care,” according to U.S. Special Counsel Henry J. Kerner.

The patient required frequent changes to his wound dressings. As a result of the veteran not receiving the necessary care, an infection occurred which later required a below-the-knee amputation. Investigators determined that social workers were directed to stop entering home health care consults into the Computerized Patient Record System due to a lack of training.

“The U.S. Office of Special Counsel assured the president that VA has taken the necessary steps to prevent similar problems in the future,” Reistad said. “The American Legion certainly hopes that those assurances are well-founded. Too many veterans have lost their limbs on the battlefield. They should not be losing limbs due to bureaucratic malpractice. We thank the whistleblowers who helped expose this case. It reinforces why The American Legion supported legislation that protects these brave employees. The American Legion believes in VA. It’s why The American Legion visits VA medical facilities across the country as part of our System Worth Saving program, so we can identify critical needs and share best practices. We will certainly review this latest incident again as part of our SWS agenda. We also believe that recent reforms such as the Mission Act and increased accountability will improve an already-strong VA system. That said, tragedies such as what happened in Indianapolis should never occur. We expect VA to learn from this and act accordingly.”

Waukee, Iowa, Youth Sweeps to Victory, Earns $18K Scholarship in American Legion Oratorical Contest

Patrick Junker

Patrick Junker of Waukee, Iowa, won The American Legion’s 82nd annual National Oratorical Contest in Indianapolis April 7. Photo by Lucas Carter/The American Legion

INDIANAPOLIS (April 7, 2019) – A junior from Van Meter High School in Iowa capped a busy weekend of competition in Indianapolis by earning an $18,000 college scholarship and first place in The American Legion High School Oratorical Scholarship Program – “A Constitutional Speech Contest.” Patrick Junker’s winning prepared oration was titled “The Spread of Constitutional Apathy and how to Quarantine it.”

Junker, who lives in Waukee, Iowa, started the weekend as one of 53 state or department champions in the 82nd annual contest. He advanced to the championship through three rounds of intense competition. Junker was sponsored by American Legion Post 403 in Van Meter.

Caleb Maue, a home-schooled junior from Homer Glen, Ill., earned a $16,000 college scholarship with a second place finish, while Eden Carnes, a home-schooled freshman from Friendsville, Tenn., earned a $14,000 scholarship and finished third. The scholarships account for a small portion of post-secondary scholarships that The American Legion, the nation’s largest veterans organization, awards annually.

In his prepared oration, Junker warned that apathy and ignorance about the U.S. Constitution can endanger freedom. “In a study done by the Freedom Forum Institute, 40 percent of the American survey respondents could not name a single freedom under the First Amendment. The question becomes this, ‘How can we fight and defend our rights if we don’t even know what those rights are?’”

Junker encouraged making education about the Constitution a priority. “We must not only teach students the Constitution, but we must also teach them the importance it has on our everyday life. We must teach them this importance in order to safeguard our future.”

In each round of the weekend competition, orators delivered a rehearsed 8- to 10-minute address and a randomly assigned 3- to 5-minute oration on a constitutional topic, each without the benefit of notes and in front of a live audience, including the judges. The nearly 2-million member American Legion developed the contest to encourage young people to improve their communications skills and to study the U.S. Constitution. More than $3 million in scholarships have been awarded over the history of the contest.

Together We Can Make an Impact

In the wake of the government shutdown, The American Legion went public to assist active duty Coast Guard members through National’s Temporary Financial Assistance program. This program requires families with minor children. The Department of Florida utilized it’s program, Project: VetRelief, to provide assistance to those that did not have qualifying children.

Through both programs, the Department Staff processed nearly 400 applications received from Coast Guard members.

The wave of US Coast Guard member applications has been overwhelming, but we are happy to report that all cases in which there was not a minor child in the home have been provided with a $250 gift card to Publix from PROJECT: VetRelief. To date, there have been 29 Coast Guard members funded for a total of $7,250. Additionally, of the 302 applications submitted to National’s TFA program, 231 families were provided support for a total of $130,000.

In the event that the government shuts down in a couple of weeks, the Department Staff would like to keep providing support for those effected for as long as we can; however, funds for both programs are limited. We ask that you, along with the members of your Post, take a minute to realize the impact a donation can have on someone defending your coastline and not receiving a paycheck.


PROJECT: VetRelief

Temporary Financial Assistance

Creating Mobility for Veterans

13 Scooters Donated for Florida Veterans

Orlando, January 2, 2019 – Jack Kump (Port Orange, FL) and his wife, Joan Wheeler, continue to impact the Florida veteran community and having recently donated twelve (12) brand new mobility handicap scooters to The American Legion, Department of Florida. Inspired by their commitment to our veterans, SpinLife has also added an additional scooter, free of charge, for a total of thirteen (13) brand new mobility scooters to be given away to Florida Veterans.

This marks the third year Jack and Joan have generously donated new mobility scooters for travel to Florida’s veterans. We asked Jack and Joan what prompted such a noble act. According to Jack, “Without the military influence, discipline, Espirit de Corps, and direction, my life would have probably taken a much less productive path”. Jack and Joan believe that all vets are very special people and should be recognized, shown compassion, and never overlooked or forgotten. “The scooters are being donated in memory of two WWII vets very special in our lives, Joan’s late father, Robert I. Wheeler, and Jack’s late mentor, Leonard F. Wedge.”

On Friday, January 4th, Jack and Joan arrived at The American Legion, Department of Florida’s State Headquarters office. David Miller, Purple Heart recipient and long-time member of the American Legion, was also in attendance to show his appreciation. David will distribute three (3) scooters within the Tampa area to deserving veterans who are affiliated with the Wounded Warriors Abilities Ranch in Pinellas Park.

Florida is home to more than 1.6 million veterans, 22% of those veterans have claimed some level of disability. Jack and Joan have asked that these mobility scooters be distributed to disabled veterans who are in need and lack the funds or insurance to cover the costs on their own. They have entrusted The American Legion, Department of Florida with the distribution of this remarkable act of kindness.

The American Legion, Department of Florida would like to extend a debt of gratitude to Jack and Joan, on behalf of all Florida Veterans. It is this type of compassion and kindness that we wish for all of our veterans.

Also featured in:

Orlando Sentinel

Free Scoutbook on Jan 1, 2019

Scoutbook free for everyone beginning Jan. 1, 2019

It seems too good to be true, but you will absolutely take it.

The BSA announced today that it will make Scoutbook subscriptions free to all BSA units beginning Jan. 1, 2019. Units that already use Scoutbook won’t be charged when they renew their subscription on or after Sept. 1, 2018.

Scoutbook is the BSA’s online unit management tool and helps Scouts, parents and leaders track advancement and milestone achievements along the Scouting trail.

How will my unit be affected?

  • Units with a current Scoutbook account: When they need to renew their subscription this fall, they will not pay any renewal fees, effective Sept. 1, 2018.
  • Councils that provide Scoutbook accounts for their units: When they need to renew these unit subscriptions this fall, they will not pay any renewal fees, effective Sept. 1, 2018.
    • (Essentially, units — or councils paying for their units — can renew Scoutbook subscriptions in September, October, November or December 2018 at no cost.)
  • Units without a current Scoutbook account: They can begin their free Scoutbook unit subscription on Jan. 1, 2019.

Will existing users get a refund?

No. There are no plans to reimburse anyone who has previously paid for a Scoutbook subscription. This change applies only to any new Scoutbook subscriptions effective Jan. 1, 2019, or later — and to any renewing Scoutbook subscriptions that would normally be paid between Sept. 1, 2018, and Dec. 31, 2018.

What if a current Scoutbook unit needs to add more Scouts this fall?

Let’s say your pack has a 75-Scout subscription with 15 open slots. You expect to recruit well over that number this fall. Can you add Scouts to your subscription when/if that happens?

Yes, if you have a current Scoutbook subscription, after Sept. 1, 2018, you can renew your subscription (if needed) or add more youth to Scoutbook at no cost.

What should units that don’t currently have Scoutbook do this fall?

Scoutbook will be free to all units beginning Jan. 1, 2019.

In the meantime, watch for the release of Scoutbook Lite for all units later in 2018. This free online tool will provide a slightly different user experience from the full Scoutbook, but it will help your unit track advancements for all your youth members.

How will subscriptions/renewals work in 2019 and beyond?

The need to “subscribe” or “renew” annually will become unnecessary. Once your unit is on Scoutbook, you’ll be set for as long as your unit would like to continue using this free tool.

How will making Scoutbook free affect its performance?

Scoutbook will only continue to improve. The BSA IT and Member Care teams will continue to support Scoutbook with their timely service and quality resources. Scoutbook performance enhancements have been implemented regularly over the years, and its performance is continually monitored.

Where can I get more information about this change in Scoutbook?

First, consult the latest FAQs, available in this PDF.


Source:  Scouting Wire, Dec 26, 2018

Phishing Emails Purported to be from Natl HQ Staff

From: National Adjutant Dan Wheeler

Many of you have recently received fraudulent emails which appear to be from national headquarters. There are several variations circulating, but all seem to use the name of a national headquarters’ staff member and mention an “invoice.” Some of the emails even use the staff member’s actual email address.

These emails are also known as “phishing.” They are scams and do not originate from national headquarters. Although national cannot prevent outside groups from sending this type of email, there are several things we all can do to help protect ourselves:

  • Right now we are seeing “spoof” sender attacks. These are messages pretending to be from coworkers or external work-related relationships. These messages attempt to entice you into clicking an attachment or provide personal information. Don’t do it! If you are not expecting or generally do not get a message with attachments from the purported sender proceed with extreme caution. When in doubt, contact the purported national HQ “sender” to verify the email is legitimate.
  • Sometimes, but not always, the body of the message gives it away. The English is bad. The contact information at the bottom has errors such as wrong city or area code. The context of the message is just not something this sender would discuss.
  • If you open an email and find that it’s not legitimate, delete the message without opening any attachments.
  • Don’t provide credit card information to the sender. National headquarters will never ask that you provide your credit card information to us in an email.
  • If you wish to share a message that contains the email addresses of other recipients, please delete the email addresses before you forward. That will help prevent those legitimate email addresses from getting into the wrong hands to be misused as has happened here.
  • Report such phishing to the Federal Trade Commission at
  • In general, we all must have our “guard up” at all times when dealing with email. It’s easy to get in the habit of seeing a name we recognize, and clicking to open it or any attachments or links, and that can lead to many hours and dollars to recover. Question anything even slightly suspicious.
  • If you wish to create a message that contains the email addresses of other recipients, get in the habit of placing email addresses in the “Bcc:” field (instead of To: or CC:). If you are going to forward a message that displays others’ email addresses, delete those addresses before forwarding to prevent those email addresses from getting forwarded on, shared or captured by a hacker and being misused as has happened here.
  • Please see the attached link for more information on this subject.

VFW, Legion National Commanders Demand Immediate Action

VA Rates 70 Percent of its Nursing Homes as Failures
VFW, Legion national commanders demand immediate action

WASHINGTON (November 14, 2018) — The national commanders of the nation’s two largest veterans organizations are demanding that Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie bring immediate attention to his nursing home program that currently has 70 percent of its 132 homes receiving failing grades by the VA’s own rating system.

The call by Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. National Commander B.J. Lawrence and American Legion National Commander Brett Reistad is in response to a series of scathing articles by two USA Today and Boston Globe reporters who documented substandard and negligent care at the VA nursing home in Brockton, Mass., which is one of 45 nursing homes that received the VA’s lowest rating of one star. Forty-seven homes received two stars, 16 homes three stars, and 15 homes four stars. Only nine nursing homes received the VA’s top five-star rating.

“While much of the media’s attention has been on the proper implementation of VA healthcare legislation, we cannot forget about 46,000 mostly senior veterans who reside in these nursing homes,” said the two national commanders, who collectively speak for more than 4.6 million members and their auxiliaries.

“The media reports about sub-par care, patient neglect and safety violations at VA nursing homes are more than just disturbing,” said the Legion’s national commander. “Legionnaires, our friends in the VFW, and anybody who respects veterans should be angered by this,” said Reistad. “These are not just patients in a home, these are people who in the prime of their lives risked their lives, and made enormous sacrifices on behalf of our country. America’s veterans deserve better. We not only expect VA to fix these problems immediately, but we want transparency. Those who sleep on the job and ignore the best interests of their patients need to find a different employer.”

Echoing his counterpart, the VFW national commander said “These veterans earned the right to receive high quality care in a fully-staffed and well-managed facility. Their families deserve to know that their loved ones — their heroes — are not being abandoned or abused, and America needs to be reassured that the VA is honoring our nation’s promise to those who have borne the battle,” said Lawrence. “The VA must improve its delivery of quality care at these facilities. It must recruit and retain only the best healthcare professionals and support staff, and it must hold all employees accountable for their actions or inactions. It is not a right but a privilege to work for America’s veterans, and anything less is unacceptable.”

Media Contacts: VFW: Joe Davis, 202-608-8357, , The American Legion: John Raughter, 317-441-8847

Biketoberfest Daytona Event

The American Legion has joined forces with AbbVie Inc., a global biopharmaceutical company, to launch TAKE ON HEP C, a nationwide movement to bring free hepatitis C (hep C) testing to veterans and their communities. Taking center stage of the TAKE ON HEP C campaign is a 45-foot tour bus that is used as a mobile veteran outreach command center known as “The Legion One.” The bus offers free hep C testing, on-the-spot results and information for how to seek treatment, if needed.

This project also provides a great opportunity for local posts to staff a membership outreach tent setup with the bus. We provide the tent, you engage your community AND GROW YOUR MEMBERSHIP!

EVENT: Biketoberfest Daytona
DATE(S): Thursday, October 18 – Sunday, October 21
11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday
11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday
LOCATION: 307 N Beach St • Daytona Beach, FL 32114
(Adjacent to Indian Motorcycle Daytona Beach)
REQUEST: Please send up to four (4) volunteers who can engage those attending the event. Share information about the benefits of being an American Legion member and encourage them to participate in the free hep C testing.

Volunteers should be scheduled in four-hour shifts. Duties include support with light set-up/tear down (tents, tables, chairs).

Free parking is available onsite. However, please plan ahead and allow extra travel time as parking is limited.

Staff shirts will be provided for all volunteers to wear upon check-in at the event. One shirt per person.

This is a casual, outdoor event so jeans or shorts of an appropriate length are recommended with Legion logo items and cap.

This annual Daytona Beach motorcycle rally draws more than 100,000 visitors. Bikers, motorcycle enthusiasts and curious travel seekers will enjoy beautiful fall weather, live music and more.
ABOUT HEP C: Testing for hep C is especially important for veterans, specifically those who served in the Vietnam conflict between 1964 and 1975. One out of every 20 veterans enrolled with the Veterans Health Administration has hep C, more than three times the infection rate of the general U.S. population.


Thank you in advance for your consideration in supporting this important effort. If you’d like to volunteer or have any questions, please contact Dave Baughman at 317-517-4161 or