Category Archives: Florida

March on Tallahassee: Senator Cruz

The “March on Tallahassee” continues. Legionnaires meet with District 18 Senator Janet Cruz.

L to R: Stuart Scott, Barry Roberts, Jerry Brandt, Senator Janet Cruz, Dan Eldridge, Bruce Comer, and Larry Roberts

March on Tallahassee: Representative Latvala

The “March on Tallahassee” continues as Legionnaires meet with Florida Representative Chris Latvala on current veteran legislative issues.

L to R Group: Dianne Boland, Steve Mears, Representative Christ Latvala, Randy Holeyfield, Dennis Boland, and Bill O’Hara.

March on Tallahassee: Representative Overdorf

Florida Legionnaires’ “March on Tallahassee” is underway. Legionnaires meet with legislators to discuss current veteran issues.

L to R: Stuart Scott, Bruce Comer, FL Representative Toby Overdorf, Dan Eldridge, Jerry Brandt, and Larry Roberts.

COVID-19 Funeral Assistance

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought overwhelming grief to many FEMA, our mission is to help people before, during and after disasters. We are dedicated to helping ease some of the financial stress and burden caused by the virus.

Under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021 and the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, FEMA is providing financial assistance for COVID-19 related funeral expenses incurred on or after January 20, 2020.

More Information | Download Flyer


Weekly Reports January 14, 2022


Department Membership Summary
Post Membership Summary


Detachment Membership Summary
Squadron Membership Summary


Flag at Half Staff

As a mark of respect for former U.S. Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, the United States flag is to be displayed at half-staff from sunrise to sunset on Thursday, January 13, 2022, in accordance with the White House proclamation calling for half-staff on the day of his interment.

Weekly Reports January 7, 2022


Department Membership Summary
Post Membership Summary


Detachment Membership Summary
Squadron Membership Summary


American Legion Members Set to March


The American Legion, Department of Florida has organized a “March on Tallahassee” to take place on January 19, 2022.  Members will meet with political representatives to discuss and lobby on behalf of Florida veterans.

A meeting prior to the march will be held at Tallahassee Post 13, at 0800.  At Post 13, teams will be assigned based on the number of participants.  A “know before you go” briefing, will inform members on the current issues regarding our Florida Veterans, and what we hope to accomplish.


Members will then regroup at the Capitol Building to attend several meetings and a possibility of some hearings, in which we may testify depending on scheduling.


If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact us at  We hope that you will be an important part of standing up for the rights of Veterans.



Stuart Scott

Legislative Chairman

The American Legion seeks entries for Fourth Estate Awards in print, broadcast and online media

INDIANAPOLIS (January 4, 2022) – The American Legion has announced its call for entries in the annual Fourth Estate Awards competition for excellence in journalism and its positive impact on society. The deadline for submissions to be received or postmarked is March 1, 2022.

The American Legion awards multiple prizes to recognize the outstanding achievements made in print, broadcast and web-based media. In addition to the award, the winner in each category will be presented a $2,000 stipend to cover travel and lodging expenses to The American Legion National Convention in Milwaukee. The presentation will occur at approximately 9 am on Sept. 1, 2022 at the Wisconsin Center.

An entry form with contest rules can be found at You can also contact for further information.

Submissions are judged on the quality of the work and the impact that it had in producing a positive result for the community. The work must have been published, posted or broadcast in 2021.

All journalists or media outlets who believe their work improved society in a tangible and way are encouraged to submit their entry. There is no entry fee and no single medium is limited to the number of entries.

Past winners include CBS News, CNN, USA Today, The Washington Examiner, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, the Jackson Clarion Ledger and The complete list can be found at

Weekly Reports December 30, 2021


Department Membership Summary
Post Membership Summary


Detachment Membership Summary
Squadron Membership Summary


Weekly Reports December 23, 2021


Department Membership Summary
Post Membership Summary


SAL Membership Summary


2021 Florida Legion College

Congratulations to our December 2021 Florida Legion College graduates! We are proud of you and look forward to witnessing a promising future.

Special thank you to our instructors and all who made this session a success.

Weekly Reports December 18, 2021


Department Membership Summary
Post Membership Summary


Coming soon.


The American Legion Praises Congress for NDAA Provisions

(INDIANAPOLIS—December 16, 2021) – The head of the nation’s largest veterans organization praised Congress for several provisions passed yesterday in the National Defense Authorization Act of 2022.

“There are a number of important initiatives in the NDAA that The American Legion supports,” said American Legion National Commander Paul E. Dillard. “First, no military servicemember will receive a dishonorable discharge solely on the basis of COVID-19 vaccine refusal. While we are supportive of the vaccines, we do not believe a veteran’s military service should be characterized as ‘dishonorable’ simply because he or she disagrees.

“The NDAA will also provide for a robust national defense and establish the long overdue Global War on Terrorism Memorial,” Dillard added. “There is renewed funding for the Troops for Teachers program, which is not only a win for our transitioning veterans but for students in classrooms across the country. The legislation also makes strides in fighting military sexual assault and establish a commission that will examine every aspect of the Afghanistan war. We are also pleased that this law makes it easier to preserve and update Arlington National Cemetery memorials to military chaplains. The NDAA is a bipartisan example of lawmakers coming together and putting our country first. The American Legion is looking forward to the president signing it into law.”

The American Legion to Render Assistance to Tornado Areas

An American flag hangs from a damaged tree Sunday, Dec. 12, 2021, in Mayfield, Ky. Tornadoes and severe weather caused catastrophic damage across several states Friday, killing multiple people. (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey)

(INDIANAPOLIS—December 14, 2021) – American Legion National Commander Paul E. Dillard issued the following statement concerning last week’s outbreak of tornadoes that impacted eight states:

“Christmas is normally a season of joy for millions of Americans. This year, however, it is a time of heartbreak and tragedy for towns across the Midwest that have been devastated by these horrific tornadoes. American Legion posts and departments from around the world are already rendering assistance to impacted areas. It is times like these that we truly appreciate the efforts of our first responders, who continue rescue and recovery operations. Post 26 in Mayfield, Ky., is working on clean-up efforts and food distribution. In addition to our heartfelt prayers, The American Legion has national programs that can also help. Please visit to see how The American Legion can assist. We are also accepting donations that can be used for American Legion Family members affected in declared disaster areas.”

Weekly Reports December 9, 2021


Department Membership Summary
Post Membership Summary


SAL Reports


Florida district continues support for Toys for Tots

Shelly Blevins said she grew up in a less-than-ideal financial situation. That’s one of the reasons why the Marine Toys for Tots program is so near and dear to her heart – and why what started as her own personal fundraiser has grown into one taken on by the American Legion Department of Florida’s 5th District.

Blevins, a member of Auxiliary Unit 283 and the sergeant-at-arms for American Legion Riders Chapter 283 in Jacksonville, Fla., started fundraising for the program out of her home 12 years ago. Soon after that, Post 283 got involved, as did American Legion Post 129 in Jacksonville Beach.

Blevins said other American Legion posts started to get involved, and by 2019, the fundraiser was a 5th District program. Seeing it grow has been special for Blevins – as is Toys for Tots itself.

“I grew up very poor,” Blevins said. “When I got involved with the Legion, it just kind of made sense. I became friends with several Marines at the different posts. And this is easy. It’s children. It’s the Marines. To me, it was an easy fit.”

The most recent show of support took place this holiday season, when the district was able to purchase nearly $17,000 worth of toys and bicycles to donate to Toys for Tots. Marines from Blount Island Command in Jacksonville come to Post 283 to pick up the toys and typically are given an escort back to their base by American Legion Riders.

“I was not going to do escorts anymore,” Blevins said. “I called the Marines to touch base with them. The person I was talking to said, ‘you’re the Legion motorcycle people.’ I laughed and went ‘yeah.’ And he goes, ‘we can’t wait for our escort.’”

Blevins immediately reached out to ALR Chapter 283 Director John Lang, who “immediately started sending out emails to the 5th District,” Blevins said. “And the turnout was amazing. These people had five days’ notice. That’s what made this year so special. It was probably my favorite year of all the 12.”

Blevins said 97 motorcycles from 5th District Legion Riders and at least one other district showed up at Post 283 on Dec. 4 to escort the Marines back to base. The Sons of The American Legion Squadron 283 cooked hot dogs and hamburgers for everyone who came to the post.

The program has gotten so successful that toys continue to be donated after Christmas. Blevins said those items are taken to the Wolfson’s Children’s Hospital in Jacksonville to be distributed there.

“It went from being a neighborhood charity to kind of a Legion one,” Blevins said. “And now it’s kind of a 5th District thing. It’s evolved over 12 years.”

Florida ALR chapter’s ‘Ride for the Claus’ brings out emotions in participants, recipients

For seven years, American Legion Riders Chapter 382 in Navarre, Fla., has staged a Ride for the Claus that distributes Christmas presents to local children on the first two weekends in December. The past four of those, ALR 382 Director Jason Skobel has been involved.

And he still remembers a piece of advice he received prior to his very first Ride for Claus.

“I was told, ‘make sure you have dark sunglasses,’” Skobel said with a laugh. “Because tears will be flowing.”

Skobel said it’s because of the reactions he and the other Legion Riders get from their effort. On each ride, the Riders deliver toys to families struggling in some way. The event started when members of Chapter 382 realized there was a need for a Christmas toy program for Santa Rosa County families in need. Since then, the chapter has delivered thousands of dollars in toys each year.

“We fund raise all year. This the biggest event of the year that we do for children and youth,” Skobel said. “Usually in October and November we start purchasing toys and gathering the names of kids around the community. We get them from schools. We get them from daycare. Sometimes these people hear from neighbors that we’ve delivered to and ask, ‘how do I get on the list?’”

The list starts with a very specific group but then expands. “Low-income (families), special needs and Gold Star families – that is our priority,” Skobel said. “But we don’t turn anybody down. If they call us, they’re going to get put on the list, and we’re going to show up in front of their house.”

Some of the Riders dress up for the deliveries, including as the traditional toy deliver himself. And any children along the route that request a toy are provided one.

“We make sure that we have enough gifts for those that sign up or that we get names for, and we usually buy two to three times as much extra gifts,” Skobel said. “When you pull up on a street with 20-30 motorcycles and a Santa Claus, reindeer and elves, kids come out of the woodwork from all the houses. We don’t want to turn anybody down. We buy a lot of extras, all age ranges, so we can accommodate any kids that come out onto the street to see what we’re doing.”

The Riders distributed around $4,000 worth of toys last weekend and expects to add another $2,000 or so after this weekend’s delivery. A total of 60 families and around 220 kids – in addition to another 80 or so children who get presents along the way – will be impacted by this year’s Ride for the Claus.

Skobel said there are so many touching moments during the ride, but one stood out this year: a mother who’d lost her job in the service industry during the pandemic and reached out to the post for help.

Skobel said the mother sent a text to his wife on the day of the Ride for the Claus. “She told her how much this meant to her and that this was going to be the only gifts her son receives this year,” he said.

While the ride itself is a Chapter 382 program, Skobel said the effort receives support from all facets of the post’s American Legion Family. “I have to give a big shout-out to our (First District) commander, Sonny Decker, and our post commander, Israel Root, who have just preached Legion Family,” he said. “Yes, we have certain things that (are separate), but we in the last year we have come together as a Legion Family and made all of our events better.”

An Air Force veteran who also is a member of Post and Auxiliary Unit 382 – and has applied for membership in the post’s Sons of The American Legion squadron – Skobel said being a part of the Ride for the Claus is one of his highlights of the year.

“We give the parents a heads up, saying, ‘hey, we’re 15 or 20 minutes out from your house,’ so they kind of prep their kids and get them ready,” he said. “Some of them are waiting outside. When they hear the motorcycles and see a Santa get off, some of the kids come running from the front door through the yard. They just want to give Santa a hug. We had one little girl say, ‘Santa, where have you been? I missed you last year (because of COVID restrictions).’ It’s a tear-jerker. The goosebumps you get …”

And the program is expanding. “This is the first year we’ve had a surrounding post participate,” Skobel said. “Post 235 in Fort Walton Beach, they have sent some of their guys over to ride with us. This is something they want to start doing. Next year we’re going to try to make this even bigger. There are three posts within 20 miles of each other. So we want to make this something next year where all three posts get together.”

The American Legion Mourns Passing of Bob Dole

(INDIANAPOLIS—December 5, 2021) – American Legion National Commander Paul E. Dillard issued the following statement today concerning the passing of former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole:

“Today we not only lost a great Legionnaire, but America has lost an iconic statesman and tireless veterans advocate. Bob Dole distinguished himself in combat long before becoming one of the most respected voices in Congress. His leadership and determination led to the construction and dedication of the National World War II Memorial. America is a better country as a result of this great patriot’s service. The American Legion was proud to present Sen. Dole with our organization’s highest honor, the Distinguished Service Medal in 1997. Our condolences to his wife, Elizabeth, his family and many friends.”

As a presidential candidate in 1996, Dole presented a U.S. Flag to The American Legion as he addressed delegates at the 78th National Convention of The American Legion. “On this past Memorial Day, when I knew I might be leaving the Senate, I asked that about a half dozen flags be flown over the Capitol of the United States in honor of the men and women of The American Legion,” Dole said. “After flying over one of America’s landmarks of freedom, I can’t imagine a better place for it to fly than over another landmark of freedom – The American Legion National Headquarters.”

John Fitzgerald

It is with great sadness, that we report the passing of John Fitzgerald, Post 170 Commander. John passed on Friday, November 26, 2021.

John was a Vietnam veteran and a long-standing member of more than thirty years of the American Legion.

We will post arrangements and additional information as it becomes available.