Category Archives: Florida

Relief Efforts – Update

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Weekly Reports November 3, 2022


Department Membership Summary
Post Membership Summary

Weekly Reports October 28, 2022


Department Membership Summary
Post Membership Summary

Weekly Reports October 20, 2022


Department Membership Summary
Post Membership Summary

Weekly Reports October 13, 2022


Department Membership Summary
Post Membership Summary

Hurricane Relief Planning

Hurricane Relief Meeting

Our Disaster Prep Chair Bill Hoppner, organized a meeting today with Department Commander Eunice Butts, Auxiliary President Jane Hardacre, fellow Legionnaires, and Department staff members to plan and organize Hurricane Relief Efforts across the state. Donations have been steadily coming in this week, and other states, such as Ohio, already have supplies en route.

Today’s meeting will decide the logistics and distribution of a combined effort among the Legion Family and other volunteers.  We hope to provide “boots on the ground” aid and assistance to those affected by Hurricane Ian in the coming days.

If you are interested in volunteering, please email us at  If you’d like to make a monetary donation, please go to

If you are in need of assistance, due to damage caused by Hurricane Ian, please go to for resources available to you.

We will continue to provide updates as they become available. Thank you for your continued support! Together we will overcome!

Legion Family begins to address Ian’s aftermath

Post 274 in Fort Myers, Fla., after Hurricane Ian.

Post 274 in Fort Myers, Fla., after Hurricane Ian.

National ~ In over a decade as the Department of Florida’s disaster preparedness chairman, Bill Hoppner has seen plenty of destructive storms.

“I have never seen devastation and destruction to this degree,” he said in a Facebook post after Hurricane Ian.

More than 100 people died from the storm and damage estimates are in the billions. And there’s still much to do before cleanup and relief efforts can begin in earnest in the state’s hardest hit areas.

“Everyone wants to help which is good,” Hoppner wrote. “But we have to understand the logistics. There are still search and rescue missions going on. Still powerlines down. The gas stations are running out of gas and the stations that do have gas have lines blocks long. I don’t want anybody to come in with supplies and not get out because they have no gas.”

The department’s Disaster Preparedness Committee is scheduled to meet Thursday to assess damage, identify distribution centers, and develop a plan of action. In the meantime, the Department of Florida is collecting donated items at department headquarters, 1912A Lee Road, Orlando, FL 32810.

The department is collecting:

Water, non-perishables (canned food, dried meats, hard candies, granola or power bars), dry goods (crackers, nuts, dried fruit, trail mix), peanut butter, hand can openers, hygiene items (shampoo, soap, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, etc.), bug spray, sunscreen, infant supplies (diapers, wipes, food, formula), feminine products, pet food, batteries (all sizes), flashlights, solar lights, battery operated fans, pocket juice battery chargers, camping stoves, propane, charcoal grills, cleaning supplies (disinfectant wipes, dust rags, dust masks), first aid items (Band-Aids, antibacterial ointment, gauze, medical tape, aspirin, rubbing alcohol, etc.), chain or hand saws, utility gloves, packaged undergarments (all sizes). 

Donations can be shipped to or dropped off at Department of Florida headquarters during business hours, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., until official distribution sites have been designated.

In the meantime, American Legion posts outside the disaster area have also been collecting supplies.

A team of Legion Riders is scheduled to leave Post 104 in Pinellas Park, Fla., early Oct. 8 to deliver donated items.

Post 382 in Navarre, Fla., is collecting donations of water, non-perishable foods, paper products, tarps and more. Drop-off times are from noon to 7 p.m.

Post 221 in Niceville, Fla., is seeking donations of water, canned goods, non-perishable items, tarps, gloves, generators, diapers, baby food, new clothing, and new blankets and sheets still packaged. Drop-off times are from noon to 6 p.m.

Legion posts are also providing for relief workers.

Post 69 in Avon Park, Fla., provided pizzas, sodas and a break for the National Guard.

Post 103 in Punta Gorda, Fla., is serving as headquarters for Team Rubicon for the next 6-8 weeks as the organization helps demolition and cleanup efforts.

Resources for those impacted by the hurricane and ways to donate to the Department of Florida’s Hurricane Relief Fund are available at

The American Legion stands ready to assist eligible Legionnaires, American Legion posts and Sons of The American Legion impacted by these and other natural disasters.

Grants from the National Emergency Fund (NEF) are available — up to $3,000 to Legionnaires and SAL members displaced due to damages to their primary residence from declared natural disasters, and up to $10,000 for Legion posts that have been damaged by a natural disaster and whose programs and activities within the community have been impacted.

Click here for the NEF grant application.

For assistance in completing the application, click here for a video presentation. And this video illustrates how disaster relief teams were set up in Illinois following a tornado outbreak.

NEF grants are made possible from the generosity of donations to the fund. Donate here.

In addition to the requirement that an emergency declaration be made for a natural disaster, applicants must be current on their membership prior to the disaster and at the time of application submission, and must provide photos, receipts, insurance paperwork, and FEMA statements if possible.

The Temporary Financial Assistance (TFA) program is also available to assist American Legion eligible veterans with minor children in the home who need financial help to pay for shelter, food, utilities, and medical expenses.

For TFA information on eligibility requirements and how to apply, visit

Weekly Reports October 5, 2022


Department Membership Summary
Post Membership Summary

Department of Florida mobilizes to help those affected by Hurricane Ian

Wikimedia Commons

Weekly Reports September 22, 2022


Department Membership Summary
Post Membership Summary

National Membership Summary

Chapter 237 Riders Take Top Honors Again

Members of Post 237 of the Beverly Hills American Legion celebrated on July 23 winning the “Riders Chapter of the Year” award from the state American Legion. Photo by Margo Wilson/For the Chronicle

By MARGO WILSON For the Chronicle Jul 28, 2022 ~ It’s not the first time, nor the second … but for the fifth year in a row, the over 100 motorcycle riders of Beverly Hills Post 237 of the American Legion have earned the title of “Riders Chapter of the Year,” outpacing the state’s other 138 American Legion Riders’ chapters with a total of 10,000 riders.

“It’s phenomenal,” said rider Bo Boden, who was attending a July 23 celebration at the post. “It’s a lot of hard work by our leader, John (Roby).”

Roby, who’s directed the Beverly Hills riders group since it was founded in 2012, told the partygoers, “It’s not about one individual. It’s about all of you.”

He saluted members who have passed away and dedicated the event to them. He also thanked the veterans’ and other community groups and individuals who support the post and vets.

“In April 2012, there were 20 members,” he said. “We were the little kids on the block.

We had to go out and earn respect,” Roby said.

Since then, the riders have logged over 1 million miles for charitable causes.

“We’ve gone out over and over and over again,” Roby said.

Those rides have earned over $350,000 for veterans’ and community projects and racked up over 1 million hours of community service.

Last year, the riders rode over 300,000 miles, raised $48,425, and tallied about 300,000 hours of community service.

Some of the groups and causes to which they donate include the Race for Fallen Veterans, the Special Olympics, Toys for Tots, Project Vet Relief, Friends of Citrus and the Nature Coast, Veterans for a Cause, Gold Star Families, the VFW, Am Vets, other American Legions, female veterans, and homeless veterans.

They accompany the Vietnam Traveling Wall.

The riders frequently escort, to Bushnell National Cemetery, veterans who’ve passed away. This past year, they placed 5,000 flags at the cemetery.

On “Red Shirt Fridays,” they ride to other American Legions and VFWs to show their support of their fellow veterans.

On Veterans Day, they visit comrades at assisted living sites.

They support veterans’ suicide awareness projects.

Member Alan Oscarson, a Vietnam veteran, said the award and the riders’ group and Post 237 “mean the world to me. When I came home from Vietnam in 1971, I got spit on at the airport. There were protestors outside. … I felt it was a waste of my time being in the service until I came down here.”

Oscarson said after he moved to the area, he was out for a motorcycle ride one day and Post 237 riders cruised past.

“I followed them,” he said.

He pulled up to Ray Roby, who was commander of the post, and asked him what was going on.

“We’re doing a ride for charity,” Roby said. “It’s a veterans’ ride, too.”

“I’m a Vietnam vet,” Oscarson said. Then, Roby reached over, shook Oscarson’s hand, and said, “Thank you for your service and welcome home.”

Oscarson joined the post that same day.

Greg Olynyk, the assistant director of the riders group, said he participates because “I do it for the vets. And I like to ride.”

Danny Elsass, of S&S Electric, donated $500 toward the celebration and has supported the post financially many times, according to John Roby.

Elsass said, “I love this group.”

David Herrington, who met his wife at the post and married her June 27, said, “It’s a nice, small group, a fun group. They do a lot for the community.”

Herrington’s wife, Sgt. Maj. Rose E. Gonzalez-Herrington, who has volunteered with Vets for Vets and other groups in Ocala, not only praised Post 237, but her spouse.

“My husband has a big heart,” she said.

She was not the only spouse singing the praises of his or her significant other.

John Roby praised his wife, Karon, who is treasurer and membership chair of the post’s 210-member Auxiliary. She also designed the cake served at the celebration.

And Karon praised John, as well as the members.

“It’s about dedication and camaraderie,” she said.

Bucky Palmer said winning the award “is a great amount of work for the commander and post. … You’ve got to be good.”

Marie Jones said she would echo what Palmer had said, but added, “It’s the friendliest American Legion. It’s very family-oriented.”

Kathleen Moran, the riders’ secretary, said, “No one supports vets like we do. This post is a family.”

Andrea Bolden, an Auxiliary member, whose father, mother, and brother are veterans, said about the award, “It’s fantastic when you think about our little town, and there is Miami, Jacksonville and Tampa. It’s great.”

Veteran John Ferris said, “The people are so fantastic. I’m very proud to belong.”

Ralph Hanks, who served in the Army in Germany from 1966-69, said he loves riding his motorcycle and supports the causes of the riders’ chapter.

“I wish I could do more,” he said. He mentioned the riders have supported hospice programs. Hanks’ wife died in hospice. He credited John Roby for his leadership and said Roby “is probably one of the biggest reasons” for the riders’ success.

David Fredericks, a Vietnam-era Marine, said the riders and post “do a lot of public service for the community.”

Robin Fredericks said the work the post does is “for God and country. … We’re small but mighty.”

Dee Collins said, “We love our country.”

Her husband, Ron, who served in Germany with the Army, said, “We’ve been doing hard work.”

But in the end, as Director John Roby said, “Awards don’t make us any better. We’re just committed to our mission.”

For information about the post or riders’ group, call 352-897-4776, or stop by the post, 6726 N. Lecanto Highway. The post is open daily from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Talk to the bartender, and he or she will put you in touch with Roby.

Florida Legion Riders received the Child Welfare Foundation’s Garland Murphy Jr. Award

Florida Legion Riders received the Child Welfare Foundation’s Garland Murphy Jr. Award

Florida Legion Riders received the Child Welfare Foundation’s Garland Murphy Jr. Award

During the 103rd National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the Florida Legion Riders received the Child Welfare Foundation’s Garland Murphy Jr. Award. Joe Marcheggiani received the award on behalf of the Florida Legion Riders.

The Child Welfare Foundation presents awards annually for significant contributions to the foundation. The American Legion Riders are strong supporters of the Foundation, which grants to nonprofits that contribute to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual welfare of children.

To qualify for the Garland Murphy Jr. Award, the department must be the most active in the nation, based on actual contributions received during the year. One department from each of the Family organizations is recognized.

Congratulations and a huge “Thank You” to the American Legion Riders for their dedication and never-ending support of our programs. A special mention to Chapter 110, who pushed us over the top for the win.

Weekly Reports September 15, 2022


Department Membership Summary
Post Membership Summary

American Legion National Commander Expresses Condolences to United Kingdom for Loss of ‘Legendary Queen’

(INDIANAPOLIS—September 8, 2022) – –   American Legion National Commander Vincent J. “Jim” Troiola issued the following statement regarding the passing of Queen Elizabeth II.

“The relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom has often been characterized as ‘special.’ The strength, grace and class that Elizabeth II exhibited as a princess during World War II and later as queen, has only deepened the affection that our veterans have for our allies in the United Kingdom. The passing of this legendary queen saddens The American Legion but we will always be inspired by her many decades of service to humanity and her commitment to freedom for all. We extend our heartfelt condolences to the Royal Family and the people of Great Britain.”

Weekly Reports September 8, 2022


Department Membership Summary
Post Membership Summary

SAL Report

Sons of The American Detachment of Florida Convention Report

The Sons of The American Legion convened their 50th National Convention at the Miller Highlife Theater in Milwaukee Wisconsin August 26th through 28th 2022.  Our Florida delegation, while small, it was mighty. Delegation Chairman Detachment Commander 2022 Brian Carter, Detachment Commander 2023 Gerard Sambets, Past National Commander and Delegation Secretary Jim Roberts,  National Assistant Adjutant and Detachment Adjutant Emirtus Ed Sheubrooks  National Executive Committeeman William D (Bil) Kelly, District Vice CDR. Jamie Grinis and Jessie. A big shout out of Thanks to all these men who took time out of their busy schedules to represent you at the National Convention.

After we travel halfway across the country we get settled very early the next day. We start with our Standing Convention Committees at 8:30 AM. At 10 AM we have our pre-National Executive Committee Meeting. This is where our governing body finishes up all the 2022 year business.

Later on Day 1 August 26th, 2022 at 1 PM The National Convention is gaveled to order by National Commander Fox. This year’s Day 1 ran longer due to the 50th National Convention Luncheon on Day 2, and the business of running our organization must still be done, and it was. On behalf of the Detachment of Florida, Commander Carter received the Child Welfare Foundation Award for the Largest Contribution in the Southern Region and a Certificate of Recognition from CWF for exceeding the $1.00 per member.

Day 2 began with a visit from The American Legion Department of Florida Department Commander 2022 Jerry Brandt, Commander 2023 Eunise Butts, Adjutant Bruce Compton, PDC & NEC Elect Jim Ramos and PDC Larry White came and sat in with their Detachment at our Convention. This action proves that when we say “We Are Family” we all stick together. Thank you to the TAL Department Officers who took the time out of their busy convention schedule to sit in with their Sons of The American Legion at their National Convention.  Unfortunately just after they left The Detachment of Florida was presented with The American Legion National Shadow Box Award for the Most Dollars Contributed to The Veterans and Childrens Foundation (renamed from TAL Endowment Fund). The final award was received by The Detachment of Florida the Snapshots of Service 2022 Award for Veterans Affairs on behalf of Florida Lakeshore Squadron 137 in Jacksonville.  Detachment of Florida Commander 2023 Gerald Sambets became the 1st Detachment Commander to be awarded a Certificate of Completion for his attendance at the new National Detachment Commanders Class at National Convention.

The Convention adjourned and we went directly to the Milwaukee Hilton Crystal BallRoom for The 50th Anniversary Banquet in celebration of 50 years of Sons of The American Legion Conventions. The luncheon was a fabulous affair and our compliments to the Anniversary Committee for their outstanding job.

Day 3 started early at 8 AM and after opening business, the National Chaplain provides a Memorial Service with a tribute to all the members who passed into Squadron Everlasting.  Immediately after the service we preseeded into the election of the National Commander 2023 and 5 National Vice Commanders from each of the regions. Leading Candidate Chris Carlton from Indiana was elected Sons of The American Legion National Commander 2023 The Southern Region elected Ron Roberts from Mississippi National Vice Commander.  Florida was recognized due to our National Assistant Adjutant Harold Thompson’s absence and National Adjutant Tony Wright was called off the floor for business elsewhere. National Assistant Adjutant Ed Sheubrooks was tasked with providing all the delegates creditation report and with running the election for National Commander and NVCs. Thank you Ed for your service to The Sons of The American Legion and The Detachment of Florida and for representing us with all you do.  With the installation of the newly elected officers, The 50th Convention and the 90th year of the Sons of The American Legion passed into the books.

Immediately after the end of the Convention the 91st a new year of The Sons of The American Legion began with the Post National Executive Committee Meeting where all National Executive Committeemen are sworn in for 2023 by the National Commander. The next order of business was to ratify the appointments of the National Commander. With the end of all NEC business the meeting was adjourned and our business was completed in Milwaukee Wisconsin.

Returning home safely and while watching The American Legion streaming of The 103rd National Convention when Sons of The American Legion National Commander 2022 Michael Fox announced on the floor of the Convention that the total dollar value of donations by the Sons of The American Legion 2022 to The American Legion Programs was over $98 Million Dollars. Thank all of you for your contributions to this outstanding total and remember this is why, YOU are the processors of a priceless heritage.


Weekly Reports September 1, 2022


Department Membership Summary
Post Membership Summary

SAL Report

Jimmie Johnson surprises Tampa veteran with new car

TAMPA BAY TIMES — Marine Corps veteran and Tampa resident Barry Morgan didn’t know how he was going to be able to make it to his soon-to-be 6-year-old granddaughter’s birthday party in New Jersey next weekend.

But now, he’ll not only be able to make the trip, he’ll be arriving in style.

Online car retailer Carvana, IndyCar driver and seven-time NASCAR champion Jimmie Johnson, as well as the Tampa chapter of the American Legion, teamed up to surprise Morgan Thursday with a much-needed new set of wheels.

He was chosen through the Carvana Cares program to receive an electric blue Honda Civic by members of the American Legion.

“I am truly thankful and grateful for this,” Morgan said. “It’s definitely a blessing.”

Morgan, who thought he was attending a meet-and-greet with Johnson to honor the local veteran community, also received a membership to American Legion U.S.S. Tampa Post 5. Worldwide, the American Legion is made up of almost two million brothers- and sisters-in-arms.

During the presentation at the Carvana Car Vending Machine, the team did a “test run” to show how it works. Morgan was completely caught off guard to learn he was the new owner of the car coming down the machine.

“When I saw my name on the sign — ‘Winner Barry Morgan’ — I was frozen for a second,” he said.

Previously, Morgan didn’t have a reliable vehicle. His old truck had become inoperable and was in need of a new engine, which would have cost him thousands of dollars. Because of a lack of transportation, he hasn’t been able to see his family in months and struggled to find employment.

“To meet Barry, to see how much this means to him, it’s the most incredible thing. It’s really been a cool day,” said Johnson. “Ultimately, good things happen to good people. Barry is that man.”

While taking his new car out for a test drive, with Johnson riding along in the passenger seat, Johnson asked Morgan where he was going to go first. Morgan had a quick and emotional response.

“My granddaughter, Ava, her birthday is next Friday (in New Jersey),” said Morgan. “I was afraid I was going to have to tell them I couldn’t make it, but now it looks like I’m going to be able to make it and visit my granddaughter on her birthday.”

Honoring WWII Veteran

Chargée d’Affaires Publiques ~ On Friday, July 29th, 2022 World War II Veteran Seaman Mr. Stephen Alex Nemeth was distinguished on the behalf ot the President of the French Republic with the Legion of Honor from the Consul General of France in Miami, Vincent Floreani, during a moving ceremony, hosted by the American Legion Post 10 in Kissimmee, FL.

Mr. Nemeth’s family, veterans and volunteers at the American Legion, representatives from the government of Florida, as well as members of the French military and the French community, attended the ceremony.

“We are forever indebted to all of you for defending our freedom at the risk of your lives and the welfare of your families”, said Consul general, Vincent Floreani, and “We must never forget it is the bravery of individual men and women who chose to risk their lives in the name of our freedom and fundamental values which led to the victory of democracy over barabity.”

This meaningful ceremony offered also a rare connection to the World War II generation and placed a spotlight on the importance of French-American relations over many generations.

Several news outlets, such as the Osceola News Gazette, WESH Channel 2 which made a video report, and USA Warrior Stories, a non-profit organization preserving veteran stories and legacies, who is preparing an interview with Mr. Nemeth that should air around september, to tell his story.

Mr Stephen Alex Nemeth, Seaman 1st class within the U.S. Navy, helped liberate France and Europe from the Nazi regime. Mr Nemeth joined the military on February 10th, 1943 and was immediately assigned to a special unit known as the “Armed Guard”, responsible for counter-attacks against Nazi naval operations targeting merchant vessels, including many French ones, in the English Channel and the Atlantic.

To this end, Mr Nemeth served successively aboard the SS Surprise, the SS Abel Parker Upshur and ultimately the SS Santa Paula, American warships which took part in combat operations against enemy ships targeting Allied vessels and helped transport troops and ammunition used during D-Day and the Liberation of Normandy; these vital transportation missions often led to military confrontations during which the “Armed Guard” was deployed.

While serving aboard the SS Abel Parker Upshur (from February 15 to August 18 1944), Mr Nemeth helped deliver 8,000 tons of ammunition used on the beaches of Normandy, and secured the landing of 1,000 soldiers in Cherbourg while the city was still in enemy hands.

Through his military involvement in the struggles that took place in the Channel and off the coast of Normandy (during both D-Day and the Battle of Normandy) and the numerous convoys he was assigned to in extremely hostile conditions, Mr Stephen Alex NEMETH helped secure victory for the Allied forces.

Established in 1802 by Napoléon Bonaparte, this honor, which represents the highest award of the French Republic, can be bestowed upon French citizens as well as foreign nationals. In this way, France demonstrates its recognition towards the men who fought beside her during the Second World War: “France will never forget.”

France, through the Consulate General of France in Miami, has recognized over 1,600 American WWII Veterans in Florida and Puerto Rico since 2008.