American Legion Post 347 Riders Chapter donates puppy to K9s For Warriors

American Legion Post 347 Riders Chapter members Sherri Ward, Art Brown and Linda Haynes hold golden retriever puppy Lady Rider, who they recently donated to K9s For Warriors. The organization pairs veterans dealing with injuries or post-traumatic stress disorder with service dogs.

The American Legion Post 347 Riders Chapter’s annual 9/11 dance always is an emotional event, but when they presented a K-9 to K9s for Warriors, there wasn’t a dry eye in site.

The motorcycle group raised money through tickets sales from the 9/11 dance to purchase a dog for the organization that supplies service dogs to veterans with injuries or post-traumatic stress disorder. It presented the golden retriever during the dance Sept. 9 at American Legion Post 347 in Lady Lake.

Read this story and many others in Sunday’s edition of the Daily Sun.
