Legislative News

Next Capitol Hill Visitation to be announced.

As we enter the final week of the 2024 Florida Legislative Session, I begin to reflect on several of the items that we were a part of.  While we work behind the scenes on many of these bills, we are very much heard.  Please be in attendance for the Annual Convention and attend the legislative class.  It will be in that venue that I will provide a full background on what we were able to accomplish this year.

Until then, please see the attached tracking sheet to see where the bills are in the final week.

In closing – as long as the Governor does not veto our budget request, Boys and Girls State funding is now a full $200K.  Congratulations to this program on being funded per our request.

All for now – stay tuned next week for the final wrap up!

Below are the bills that we are tracking here in Tallahassee.  Some we are in support of (Yes) and some we are simply watching to see how the language in the bills move and or change.  If the language doesn’t move in the right direction, we will then indicate that we are not in support of the bill (No).

If you would like more information about the bills that we are tracking, please review the bill language through either the Florida House of Representatives or the Florida Senate websites.

https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Bills/bills.aspx     –     https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bills/2024

In closing, please read up on legislation that you have a passion for.  A well-educated citizen should be the goal of everyone!

For God & Country,
Stuart Scott
Legislative Chair

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