
2025-2026 Endorsements on File


Position Endorsee Endorsement Dated

Area Commanders

Position Endorsee Endorsement Dated

District Commanders

Position Endorsee Endorsement Dated

Endorsement Policy

In order for an endorsement to be published on the Department website and listed in the Legion Link, the following criteria must be followed:



  1. Endorsement letters will be accepted for the following positions:
    1. Department Commander
    2. Department Vice Commanders
    3. National Executive Committeeman and Alternate
      1. During even numbered years only
    4. Department Sgt-At-Arms
    5. Department Chaplain
    6. Department Historian
    7. Area Commanders
    8. District Commanders
  2. Endorsement letters will only be accepted from a Post.
  3. An endorsement letter must meet the following criteria:
    1. On Post letterhead
    2. Contains the date of the meeting the Post made the endorsement
    3. States that the members of the Post approved the endorsement at the meeting
    4. Contains a brief narrative (offices held, etc.) explaining why the individual should be considered for the office
    5. Signed by two Post Officers
How to Submit

How to Submit

All endorsement letters must be mailed to the Department in hardcopy. Endorsement letters faxed to the Department will not be accepted, as the quality is too low to obtain a good scan. An electronic version of the letter may be sent to the Department by email however, a hardcopy of the letter is still required to verify the signatures prior to posting on the website and listing in the Legion Link.

*Any letter that does not meet the above criteria will be returned to the Post for proper formatting and/or signatures.

Endorsement letters will be accepted for publication after September 1st for the coming year.

Only the first endorsement letter received for an individual running for an office will be posted on the Department Website. Subsequent endorsements for the same individual will be filed at the Department for future reference.