Special Olympics: Post Recognition

Post Recognition

When you donate directly, all the money goes to Special Olympics. Whether you donate to County, Area, or State all donations count towards the Recognition Levels used to determine an award at the end of the year. The levels are as follows:

Diamond | $5,000 +
Special | $1,000 – $4,999
Gold | $700 – $999
Silver | $500 – $699
Bronze | $300 – $499
Certificate | $100 – $299

If you would like to receive the award recognitions, please send in the FL American Legion/ Special Olympics Award Recognition form with supporting documentation. By sending in this form to the Department Headquarters, it will ensure that your Post, Squadron, or Riders Chapter is recognized properly for your donations.

Deadline: All forms must be received by May 1st**
**All plaques and certificates will be presented at the Department Convention**

Download Award Recognition Form

Reporting Recognition